The International Society of Jazz Arrangers & Composers is delighted to announce the due dates and guidelines for the Next Decade Commission. The selected composer will receive a world premiere performance at an upcoming ISJAC event, a $10,000 USD cash award, and a $500 USD travel stipend to attend the performance.

Eligibility:  The prize is open to all jazz composers regardless of age or nationality.* There is no application fee; but all applicants must be full (paid) members of ISJAC. If you are not already a member, you may join here.

*Please be aware that if the commission recipient is not a U.S. citizen, there may be additional government and transaction fees/taxes withheld.

The work:  The newly commissioned piece should be no longer than ten (10) minutes and scored for any instrumentation of 9 or more individuals made up from the members of a standard big band – 5/4/4/GPBD (standard woodwind doubles and brass mutes are allowed). In retaining the exclusive right to premier the commissioned work, ISJAC seeks to ensure it may be performed by the resident jazz ensemble at a future event. Therefore, any deviation from this instrumentation MUST be approved in writing by the Managing Director of ISJAC.

Application Guidelines:  Those wishing to apply for this commission should submit the following materials via the portal on the ISJAC website:

  • Application Form

  • Statement of Vision in PDF format – Explain in a few paragraphs (300 words or fewer) what role this commission might play in advancing your artistic goals over the next decade.

  • Work Samples – Provide two representative samples of previously composed pieces – that have been performed and/or recorded within the last two years – that highlight your best work in the form of PDF scores and mp3 recordings. Dates of first performance and/or recording must be included.

Dates:  All applications must be received by October 25, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. Notification of the winning application will be made in December 2024. The winning composer must deliver performance-ready scores and parts of the new commissioned piece in PDF format no later than August 1st, 2025.

Adjudication: A panel of highly regarded, professional jazz composers will serve to review and selecting the award recipient.

Link to Application (Viewable by Members Only) 

* you must be logged in as a member to complete the application

The application portal will be open through October 25th, 2024.